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Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cookies

This one's for the Peanut butter and Chocolate lovers! You know who you are?.. 😎

Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cookies - rapid bake


Quick and easy these scrumptious cookies will become one of your go to recipes I guarantee. It's become one of mine and everyone always loves them. They're perfect warm and gooey on the inside with crunch on the outside or cold and crisp. The recipe shows you 3 ways you can make and bake then depending on time constraints and how motivated you are to stand at your kitchen bench shaping balls to make cookies. Yep, this recipes for everyone!

It was my intention to get these on last week, but here you go, it looks like it will happen today. I've been a bit better lately at posting pics to my social media. Truth is, it's not really about everyone else, it's about me and how I feel about my pages, to me they are memories. To me it just can't be with social media or it would do your head in. I think there are a lot of people out there that let it run (ruin 😉) their lives and it seems to make them feel worthy if they get extra followers, they're fishing for lots of nice, positive and uplifting comments and hope to become social media 'influencers' ... Far out. Who'd have even known what that was 10 years ago when this was all starting. Now everyone wants to be one. 🤨

I've done up a few ways to prepare these cookies, as I've made them so often I've had a few different situations which has created a couple of extra methods to get these out to the masses quickly and most importantly, easy for the creator. There's the rapid bake, slow bake and the quickest to create, but the slowest to cook, my mix, melt, dump, shape and bake! Just make sure you have fun with whichever you choose to make, and let me know how you go by tagging me on my social media pages, Facebook and Instagram


Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cookies - rapid bake

Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cookies - rapid bake

Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cookies - slow bake

Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cookies - slow bake

Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cookies - Mix, melt, dump, shape n bake

Choc Chip Peanut Butter Cookies - Mix, melt, dump, shape n bake


Enough of my rambling, head on over to the recipe and have a look at how easy these delicious cookies are to make.

💞 K

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